Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Robotics and 3-D Printing

The first challenge of the semester that we posted for the students was to get a robotic car up and running, and the first student to do so wins a Subway lunch combo on Mr. Kern, our CIO and Director of Modern Learning.

Sure enough, within the first two weeks of school, we had a student complete the challenge and win! My student, David, built an operational robotic car using GoPiGo components, a Hummingbird Duo board, and programmed it using Python software.

Here's a video of the car going!


We received our (loaner, ours should come in bout 4-weeks) 3-D printer last week and put it to good use!  The students are extremely excited about the printer and I have a HUGE que of student items waiting to be printed!  We are using a PolyPrinter 229, and thus far it has been working wonderfull.

Over the first few weeks, I had the students check out the 3-D printing design website TinkerCad. I posted a challenge for the students on the windows of the Makerspace, to design a brand new logo for our Makerspace. Each entry will have their 3-D designs printed, we will vote on the best design, and the winner will enjoy a snack pack bucket from me!

I'll post pictures of the prints as we print them.  It is an exciting time to be an Oakridge Owl!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt!

    Here is one of the developers who will be starting with us in January - Looks like you guys might have some stuff to talk about!


